HELD ON MONDAY, 3rd December 2001, AT 7.45 p.m.

Mr Bore, Mr Callin, Mr Chilton, Mrs Collins, Mrs Pick, Mrs Ward. District Councillor Mrs Roberts

IN ATTENDANCE 5 members of the public

APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Mr Howard and Mr Boreham

Mr Bore welcomed all to the meeting.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING All were agreed that the Minutes of the previous meeting, held on Monday, 5th November 2001, should be signed as a true record. However, Mrs Collins said that she was not happy about the imprecise decision made about the increase in Mr Mead’s remuneration – ie that it "be increased from the current £5.50 to £6.00 backdated to (say) September or October" (page 69).

Mr Bore said he would be meeting Mr Hodgson the next day to discuss arrangements for the Dovecote, Horse’s Field and the allotments.
Yellow Lines in Station Road
Mrs Collins said that Mrs Chapple had said that the parish could have a road audit but this turned out not to be the case. Measures to reduce speeding in the village would have to wait until the outcome of the Council’s application for funding was known.
Hedge and Ditch Survey
Nothing further had been done. Mr Callin suggested enlisting help from local farmers. The Clerk was asked to ask Mrs Chapple for plans. Mrs Roberts said that Andrew Lansley was holding a meeting about flooding problems on Friday and that the District Council is hosting a seminar on Friday, 14th December to consider recent flooding events and the roles and responsibilities of the key agencies involved in flooding.
Sewage Smells
The Clerk said she had written to Anglian Water about the problem and they replied saying they would investigate. Mrs Roberts said that Anglian Water had objected to an application for houses at Fowlmere because they said the existing sewage system would not be able to cope with any additional volume. She wondered whether there might be problems due to the additional housing in Foxton.
Planning Report – Caxton Lane Cottages (page 70)
Mrs Roberts said she was furious that District Council officers were unaware of the proposals made at the site meeting reported in the Minutes, viz to convert the eight cottages to four larger ones. She would be meeting the Housing Director on 19th December to discuss the matter.
Any Other Business – Photocopier
Mr Bore asked whether any progress had been made and asked whether the Clerk had looked at the one available from the PCC. The Clerk said that she had been reliably informed that this was a floor standing model for which she did not have space, but confirmed she had not actually seen it. Mrs Collins said that Parish Council was supposed to supply the Clerk with equipment and both she and the Clerk had investigated the options available and she would outline the possibilities in the Finance Report.

Mr Chilton said the Committee had not met during the past month and reported as follows:

1. Grass Cutting Tenders
Mr Smithe had declined to tender, but quotations for a three-year period had been received from Herald Contract Services, and from Stewart Bullard, as follows:

Herald (£)
(excl. VAT)
Stuart Bullard (£)
(excl VAT)
2002 3120.00 2660.00
2003 3120.00 2739.80
2004 3120.00 2821.99
TOTAL 9360.00 8221.79
Stewart Bullard’s quotation was thus £1138.21 less than Herald’s.
There was some discussion of these figures. It was thought that although Herald’s quotation was higher, their performance had been better than that of Stewart Bullard (when he had a contract), as Heralds had only cut the grass when needed, whereas Stewart Bullard had stuck to his schedule regardless. However, it was felt that the difference in the quotations was too large to ignore and that Stewart Bullard’s quotation should be accepted. It was agreed that this should be with the proviso that acceptance was subject to a six-month initial period of satisfactory performance.

2. Recreation Ground
Fencing: As yet no further action had been taken about fencing around the Recreation Ground car park as it had not yet been established whether this would be a cost for the Parish Council or for the Recreation Ground Trust.
Mrs Collins said that Denise Wilkinson thinks it will be possible to use the overage money for this purpose without an order. Mr Chilton gave the meeting details of the proposed post and rail fence and it was agreed that thicker rails would be needed, and that the design needed to be looked at again.
Five-a-Side Goal Posts
: The mound of earth by the site of the new pavilion had now been removed, and the ground levelled. This would allow the second set of sockets for the goal posts to be installed. The work would be carried out as soon as possible.
Play Area: David Smithe had rotovated the remaining ground at the back of the Play Area completing the barrier to the Pester’s rear fence. Rachel Macintyre had carried out the planting.
Mrs Collins said she had been up to have a look at the work on Friday but had received no feed-back from the Pesters. There was some discussion about the fact that Mr Howard had cleared a pathway from his exit gate onto the Recreation Ground, which aggravated the problem with child access to the Pester’s boundary. There were also possible problems about ease of access to the Recreation Ground for residents in properties adjacent to the Pesters. It was agreed that Mr Chilton and Mr Callin would visit the site with a view to finding a satisfactory solution. It was also confirmed that Mr and Mrs Pester no longer had the FPC permission to gain access onto the Recreation Ground through their existing gate.
3. Cherry Tree for The Green
Town and Country Tree Surgeons would remove the dead cherry tree and grind out the roots toward the end of the week or the beginning of the next week. The replacement tree had been delivered and would be planted as soon as possible.

Mrs Collins said she had backdated the increase in Mr Mead’s pay to September.
As the Council had not reached a decision about funds for Foxton Help Group at its previous meeting, Mrs Collins explained why a grant was needed. The Group’s activities had developed beyond the original "good neighbour" concept to include social activities and outings for the over-60’s which were very popular. However, it was sometimes necessary, when booking a coach for example, to pay money up front: for this a reasonable float was needed. Mrs Collins proposed a grant of £100 to the Foxton Help Group, Mr Callin seconded the proposal and all were agreed.
A memo had been received giving details of the charges for hiring facilities in the new Village Hall when available. Hire of the Meeting Room would cost £11.50 per session (charge for the John Haynes Room presently £15). The memo also included a brief questionnaire about the likelihood of using modular staging and the willingness of groups to contribute to the cost.

Mrs Collins gave details of two copiers which she and the Clerk thought suitable for the Council’s purposes that they had seen at Staples the previous week:
(a) Xerox XD102 Printer/copier
This was a machine which Xerox were no longer manufacturing and was priced at £327.19 including 3 year’s warranty and a parallel cable for connection to the computer. Replacement cartridges cost £149 (6000 copies) and a replacement drum costs £169 (18,000 copies) (All prices inclusive of VAT). Xerox say that parts will be available for the next 10/12 years.
(b) Cannon copier
The price of this machine was £499.00 including I year’s warranty and a replacement cartridge cost £89.98 (prices again including VAT).
Mrs Collins said the Clerk had suggested the subscription to the Society of Local Council Clerks be discontinued for the present and this saving would offset some of the maintenance expenses.
Mrs Collins said that although replacement cartridges were cheaper for the Cannon machine, this machine did not also act as a printer, and replacement cartridges for the printer which she had loaned to the Clerk would cost about £70. On balance she thought the Xerox machine would be preferable. Mr Callin proposed the purchase of the Xerox machine and Mr Chilton seconded the proposal.

Mrs Collins gave details of the Bank Accounts as follows:
Current Account £9372.34
Deposit Account £51.52
Cambridge Building Society £2402.29

Mrs Collins proposed the following cheques be approved:
Cambridgeshire ACRE (membership 2002) £25.00
M Bore (2nd half Chairman’s Honorarium) £60.00
Foxton Village Hall Fund (Hire of Hall 5/11/01) £15.00
J E Burns (correction for underpayment of salary October/November) £100.00
R M Macintyre (work on the Play Area and supply of a Prunus for The Green) £105.75
V W Mead (refuse collection and ground maintenance, November plus
backdated increase) £61.00
Staples (Xerox XD 102 Photocopier/printer and parallel cable) £327.19
Herald Contract Services (grass cutting, October) £246.76
Mrs Pick seconded the proposal and all were agreed that these payments, totalling £940.70, be made and that £940 be transferred from the Deposit Account to the Current Account.

Mrs Pick reported as follows:

Planning Permission given:
Mr Waterton Application No. S/1740/01/F for extensions at 64 Station Road.
3 Conditions.
Mr G Lee Application Nos. S/1770/01/LB and S/1763/01/F for buttresses to house and boundary wall at Barons Farmhouse, Barons Lane.
Several conditions.
Planning Applications considered:
Mr and Mrs Lodge Application No. S/2090/F for an extension at 68 Station Road.
Cambridgeshire County Council Application No. S/2092/01/F for retention of 2 mobile classrooms at Foxton Primary School.
C G Cook and S S Cook Application No. S/2231/01/F for Certificate of Lawfulness for use of land as curtilage to 76 Station Road.

Application No. S/1796/00/F for change of use of two barns to single dwelling, adjacent "The Barn", Mortimers Lane for W E Abbotts
An extract from an SCDC report had been received stating that consideration of this application by the Planning Committee had been deferred at last month’s meeting in order to allow Mr Abbotts to sign the Section 106 Agreement.
Mrs Pick said she had received a call from Betty Scott (Mr Abbotts’ partner) saying that she had signed the Section 106 Agreement. Mrs Pick had telephoned the District Council to query this. Gareth Jones said he would need to contact both the Legal Officer and Paul Sexton and that proper plans had still not been received. He was expecting to get a formal application over the next few weeks for the link structure between the two barns. Mrs Pick had said that proper drawings would be needed rather than computer generated ones. Mrs Roberts said she thought the application should be refused because of the applicant’s lengthy prevarication.

Mr Bore said he had received a lot of correspondence from the Millennium Commission. There had been a meeting two weeks ago between the Millennium Commission, the County Council and the two Trusts. The upshot had been that County Councillor, Mrs Chapple, had decided to issue a press release. Mr Bore said that it was quite right that the Millennium Commission should be trying to speed things up.
Mr Bore said he had received a report from Richard Hodgson shortly before the present meeting, which gave a contractual completion date of 10th December 2001, and a target contractor’s completion date of 25th January 2002.
A further site meeting had been planned for today but Mr Hodgson had failed to turn up. Mrs Collins said that it had been planned to hold two Monday morning meetings to clear up some smaller issues, before the next progress meeting in a week’s time. Today they had talked about the front of the Hall. The Parish Council would have to pay for two outside lamps as these were not included in the contract.
Mr Bore said the Millennium Commission had approved a deadline for completion of the project for 1st March 2002. Failure to achieve completion by this date would result in the Millennium Commission withholding funds.
Mr Bore had received a copy of the Mouchel report on the project performance, which was now rather out of date.
Mrs Roberts said she would have to check the status of the promised grant from SCDC for the project as the extension time had probably run out.
Two further matters were considered:
Storage of Building materials at the end of the car park
The Council had written to Mills and Douglas asking them to remove this store from their land as it posed a danger to children. Kim Mills and Mike Douglas (in the visitors’ seats) said this was a matter for H Moss. They turned down a suggestion that the new car park be hard surfaced to compensate for having used the car park for storage of building materials: they said that a hard surface had been rejected on the grounds that tree roots would break it up.
Old Sports Pavilion
It was noted that representatives of the sports clubs had again failed to turn up to the project meeting. Mrs Collins asked whether it was intended to run water and electricity supplies to the old pavilion. Mrs Ward did not think the old pavilion could be moved to another site. Mr Bore asked Kim Mills to provide the Council with a plan showing where the electricity and water spur ilocated.

Mr Bore said he had received a letter from Mrs Peglar who was finding it difficult to walk to the Post Office without a rest midway. She asked if a seat could be installed by Mr Callin’s property. This was discussed and it was thought a seat at the Horse’s Field would be a better site. Mike Douglas (in the visitors’ seats) kindly offered to donate a seat, and Mr Bore said he would respond to Mrs Peglar’s letter.

The Clerk summarised the correspondence received since the last meeting, which is given in full below:
1) Letter dated 13th November enclosing the new Cambridge Park and Ride information leaflets (at Post Office).
2) Notice (dated 14th November) from Cambridgeshire County Council warning of road closure at the level crossing on 2nd December between midnight and 8am.
3) Letter dated 15th November from SCDC Councillor Colin Barker (Environmental Health) re Out-of Hours Emergency Environmental Health Service.
4) Letter dated 19th November from DTLR enclosing a copy of "Model Code of Conduct for Relevant Authorities". All authorities will have to adopt their own code of conduct by 5th May 2002. (Passed to MB)
5) Information and Guidance re the new Standards Board for England (launched to coincide with the coming into effect of the model code for conduct for local councillors on 6th November). (Passed to MB)
6) Letter dated 21st November from Anglian Water in response to the Clerk’s letter concerning sewage smells.
7) Letter dated 22nd November from Andrew Lansley enclosing a copy of his Adjournment Debate on the issue of flood defence, which took place on 20th November 2001.
8) Copy from Cambridgeshire ACRE of the South Cambridgeshire Community Transport Study commissioned by Cambridgeshire Rural Transport Partnership.
9) Letter dated 27th November from SCDC re the relocation of the District Council Offices: leaflet on Council Refuse Services enclosed.
10) Letter dated 27th November from CCC giving notice of items to be considered at the next meeting of the South Cambridgeshire Environment & Transport Area Joint Committee on 10th December2001 including jointly funded Highway Improvement Schemes 2002/03 and South Cambridgeshire Cycleway Programme.
11) Letter from SCDC confirming David Gilbertson and Peter Brindle as the Independent Members of the Standards Committee.
12) Letter from The Football Association re Inspection and Testing of Goal Post Sets enclosing agreement form for tests to be carried out and another form to show football pitches within the Parish. (Passed to DC)
13) Five packs each containing:
- South Cambs Magazine, Autumn 2001
- Leaflet from South Cambridgeshire NHS Primary Care Group "Working Together to Improve your Health".
- Response form with SAE for "Planning for the Future – a new Local Plan for South Cambridgeshire. What are the Issues?"
- Leaflet on refuse services 2001-2002
14) Annual Report of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Fire Authority 2001/2002.
15) Information from CALC including:
- Paperwork for the next meeting of the South Cambridgeshire District Association to be held on 1st December 2001.
- CALC/PALC Newsletter
- Letter to all South Cambridgeshire Parish Clerks enclosing the Draft Recommendations on the future electoral arrangements for South Cambridgeshire
- Questionnaire from CAYC (Cambridgeshire Association of Youth Clubs) who are assisting the charity Student Force
- Booking form for in-house training of Parish Councils
- Leaflets on a new approach to Local Council audit (Audit Commission); Community Champions; (DEE);Children’s Playgrounds Annual Inspection (RoSPA)
16) Information from Cambridgeshire ACRE including:
- Village Halls Newsletter, November 2001
- Annual Review 2000/2001
- "Harvest" magazine, November/December 2001
17) Information from NALC including:
- Leaflet and booking for national Conference and Exhibition, 14-16 June 2002
- Publicity for Direct Information Service (DIS) newsletter
- Nomination form for NALC/Aon Clerk and council of the Year
- Local Council Review, November 2001
18) Joint NALC/The Countryside Agency publication "A National Training Strategy for Parish and Town Councils".
19) "Sawston News-sheet, November 2001.
20) Letter from Age concern requesting publicity for a project to give older people details of reliable handymen and gardeners. (Copy to Graham Smith)
21) Appeals for donations from Victim Support, Cambridge and Scope (cerebral Palsy).
22) Publicity material from Sarah Hayes Solicitors and Glasdon (Golden Jubilee items)

It was felt that this matter had been covered during "Matters arising from the Minutes".

Mr Barnes asked about the status of the developer’s performance bond.
Mr Bore said the performance bond had expired and that the County Council were aware of their resulting liabilities.
Mr Barnes said he understood that the Tennis Club had been approached about allowing a water supply to the Bowls Club being run from their site.
Mr Bore said the response of the Tennis Club had not shown community spirit as it had asked for £1000 in consideration of their co-operation: also the route around the Bowling Green would be difficult.
Mr Barnes said that Mr Abbotts had already moved into the house, for which he is seeking Planning Permission, without having signed the 106 Agreement.
Mrs Roberts said she was aware of this and that the SCDC legal officer, Chris Taylor, was pressing Mr Abbotts. The Enforcement Notice was not covered at the last meeting of the Planning Committee because Mr Abbotts had said he would sign the 106 agreement.
Mr Barnes said he understood the District Council was responsible for carrying out any necessary work on hedges and ditches.
Mr Bore asked Mrs Roberts whether she could supply the Council with a large map of the village.
Mr Challis asked for the projected costs of grass cutting for the next three years to be repeated, also the cost of the printer/copier.
These costs were confirmed. Mr Bore also confirmed the salient dates associated with the Community Project such as the target completion date. It was anticipated that the hand-over would be on 4th February.
Mrs Howell said some time would be needed after hand-over before the new Village Hall could be put in use.
It was confirmed that there would be a 28-day period to vacate the old village hall.
Mr Kim Mills asked whether there were any fixtures and fittings in the old hall which it was wished to keep.
Mr Bore said this would be investigated.
Mr Mills also enquired about publicity for the project when it was completed.
Mrs Collins said there was an obligation to have an opening ceremony and that any press release about the project had to be first approved by the Millennium Commission (which was why the Commission was upset about the County Council’s press release).
Mr Mills said his company would be willing to contribute to the expenses of the opening ceremony.
Thanks were expressed.
Mr Challis said that it was hoped, before the old Village Hall is pulled down, to produce a souvenir booklet about its history.
Mrs Collins said that, realistically, the school will probably not move into its new premises until Easter, as a mid-term move would be disruptive.

Mrs Collins said Mrs Barnes had delivered copied of the Village Information Booklet to residents in the new housing development, and that she would like the Council’s thanks to Mrs Barnes to be recorded.

It was confirmed that this would be held on Monday, 7th January 2002, at 7.45pm, in the John Haynes Room.
There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.47pm.

Copyright © 2004 Foxton Village, Cambridgeshire, UK