Foxton Primary School
Foxton actually has three educational establishments, a primary school, a special needs school and a private educational trust. There is also a pre-school group which meets in the village hall on term time mornings.
Little Foxes Baby & Toddler group meets in Foxton Village Hall on Tuesdays
during term time 09.30 - 11.00.
Parents, grandparents & carers of babies & children under 5 years are welcome.
There are a wide variety of toys available, Song & story time, and refreshments
for the adults & children.
The Primary school is located at one side of the Village Hall.
Villiers Park entrance is on the A10 about 100yards south of the railway crossing. There is also a pedestrian access via Hall Close.
The ex-special needs school is located opposite the Burlington Press in station Road.
The sudden need to invest in and re-utilise the old school site caused a stir in the spring of 2004.
Cynics view:-
The special needs school has been temporarily located in the village using the site of the old village school. It is therefore expected to be in place for at least 10 years, or until the County Council needs some extra funds and places 6 executive houses on the site. The village will probably oppose this in favour of affordable or sheltered housing. Time will tell - (see the 1974 approved planning application to knock down the village hall, replace it and build 5 old peoples bungalows!)*
*You could have done this a few years ago but the SCDC/City planning system in 2021 doesn't let you see old applications.