The Romans were definitely living around Foxton. There is a villa site towards the rail line near Shepreth and a cemetery in the field to the south of the station where a large lead Roman coffin has been excavated amongst others.
Other little bits and pieces have been found all over the place, fairly normal Romano-British scatter. Particularly on this side of Fowlmere Brook at the start of the Common Stream, and all around Manor Farm just over the parish boundary to Harston. You might get fooled by a bit of Roman pottery recorded in Caxton Lane because if you read the original reference carefully it was found was vaguely in the fields of Foxton, but whoever recorded it just plonked a location in the village for some reason.
Before the Romans, Iron Age activity has been detected as field marks and in excavations all around Shepreth and Hoffers Brooks. Little evidence has been found in the present area of the village.